What is the board saying

Evaluating the Board

The evaluation of a position is rather simple.

Here , a positive value means that the computer is ahead else the player.
All values are calculated in centipawns, that is 100 points is equivalent to more-or-less one pawn.

First, there is a Material class which checks the relative piece values.

Secondly, there is a PiecePosVal class, which gives each piece a certain amount of points based on its location in the board.

Thirdly, there is a checking for doubled pawns, isolated pawns and passed pawns, where certain bonus points are either given or taken according to the pawn structure.This is but a rough approximation.
Also , there these valueBoard class considers whether it is an  endgame  position, which is set by the Material class.

There is also a  Options class which awards points for mobility. Although, the evaluation could have been simpler with more time for searching deeper, or could have been better, I think that this balance is right for adequate playability.

In the package, if you see, there is also a class called KingSafety which is not used.This is because, it was used in the first couple of versions, but it was too time consuming.Also , it does not make use of some of the additional features that I have later integrated, but if you want to add it, then just write a couple of lines in the PositionEvaluator class and call the kingSafeValue(.. ) method on the instance.
It acts on a certain Color so you will have to use it separately for both the colors.

Now, in the post "The Board Class"  I said that I would resolve why there were different methods for performing a move.The simple reason is that enpassant moves are quite a bit different that normal moves and keeping them in the same method would have resulted in loss of readability and some bugs could have crept up.


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