Segment Tree Beats - The complexity continued.
The Universal Proof And It's Variations " When we make a update, only O(logn) can be added to Φ(x) This is because we can add tags only to the ordinary nodes, which are O(logn) in number, and each gets added by 1 ONLY, because of the **UNIQUE** clause that I had mentioned earlier. Think about it... if it werent unique, then potentially O(log^2n) tags could be added as each tag would have contributed to its logn parents and there can be logn terminal nodes in general. Now something interesting should be noted here: we are saying that we place tags in only O(logn) nodes, that is, only on the ordinary nodes: what about the extra ones we visit? Turns out, we dont place tags on them. Think about it... the extra nodes are those that are completely inside the range...and a depth lower than the optimal position. What I mean by this is, even when we move to its parents, its still in the range and so it does not have to combine with any value that was outside of the range. The maj...